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Simplify Your Closet Project

Saturday, October 21, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Many of us have more clothes, shoes, and jackets than we need. If you're inspired to simplify your closet and get rid of some items that you no longer wear, please donate them at our Simplify Your Closet Service Project at All Souls. Bring your women's clothing items to the church on Saturday, October 21 and join us for a morning of sorting and folding clothes to donate to Out of Darkness safe home. (Coffee, tea, and muffins will be provided - we know it's early on a Saturday morning!)

Out of Darkness operates a crisis safe home for female victims of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Upon arrival at the home, women are greeted with a gift basket with essential items and are invited to visit the OOD closet, where they can choose a week's worth of clothing. As we prep and sort the clothes to be donated, we'll also pray for the women at OOD and write them encouraging cards to be included in their welcome baskets.

The clothing closet will take all women's clothes but currently are most in need of fall and winter clothing, jackets, and shoes of all sizes.

October 19

Providing Dinner for Hagar's House

October 22

Youth Group