
Fall 2024 Study

Practicing the way of Jesus is an invitation to arrange our lives for transformation and renewal, both our own and our community. Generations of apprentices to the way of Jesus have called this kind of ordering a “rule of life,” meaning a trellis or structure that channels our longing after God into a rhythm of practices. A rule is not a rigid or fixed thing but rather a dynamic tool designed to be recast and renegotiated depending on your life circumstances and changing needs. 

Together, we will look at the 6 spiritual practices we’ve previously studied (sabbath, Scripture, prayer, simplicity, hospitality, and fasting) and develop a Rule of Life.

As we individually and corporately imitate Jesus, we live lives of greater authenticity, we are oriented toward his kingdom, and we are transformed by his manner of life.
— Catherine J. Wright, "Spiritual Practices of Jesus"

Sermon Series


To Feed The Soul