Italy: the Annest family
Serving with Team
Tommy and Sara Annest are a couple whose roots go deep in Italian culture and whose hearts beat for Italians to know Jesus. The reality is that many Italians call themselves Christians, but very few understand the Gospel. Sadly, most consider Christianity irrelevant to their lives. Tommy and Sara’s desire is to see God open their eyes and hearts to the hope and joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
Sara is Italian from a small town near Torino in the Northwestern part of Italy. Tommy, who is a native of Atlanta, moved to Italy in 2003 to work with Operation Mobilization (OM). In 2005 they were married in Sara’s town in Italy and continued ministry in the local church community until the Lord opened the door for them to return to the United States in 2009. They have four daughters: Eliana, Melissa, Lusia, and Nadia.
In 2017 the Lord called Tommy and Sara to serve in a church plant called New Hope church in Bologna, where Tommy is the pastor. Their heart is in sharing Christ, discipling young believers, and developing leaders in the church.