Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry at All Souls seeks to create spaces where women can connect with God, connect with themselves, and connect with other women. We desire to be authentic and open and we strive to walk alongside each other on our journeys. Our hope is that women will feel genuinely welcomed into prayer groups, Bible studies, book clubs, and gatherings.

Spaces to grow and learn:

We offer weekly Thursday morning studies with childcare and occasional evening studies (with no childcare). We host summer book clubs in different homes around the city, and we participate in the church-wide sermon series that happens each fall and spring.

Spaces for connecting:

We love opportunities to connect with each other and just have fun! We’ve had wine and dessert evenings, Saturday brunches, flower-arranging workshops, yoga classes, hikes, and more.

Spaces for going deeper:

Our annual weekend retreat (in January) and periodic half-day retreats offer extended time to build relationships and go deeper on different topics. A few times, a year we offer worship time for women called "Gather." This evening gathering at All Souls is focused on developing deeper spiritual relationships as a community of women.

We are also starting several small discipleship groups for women–please reach out if you’re interested in joining one!

For more information about the women's ministry, contact Krista Gilliam, women@allsoulsfellowship.org.