Sunday School
For ages 2 through Grade 5, we have Sunday School during both our Sunday services. Children worship with their parents during the first part of the service and then join their classes during the Passing of the Peace and Break within the service. Our classes (which are led with more than one adult) are divided by the following age groups:
2-3 year-olds
4 year-olds - Kindergarten
1st-2nd grade
3rd-4th Grade
5th Grade
Our children are nurtured and taught by trained and vetted All Souls member volunteers. Each class is taught with the following guiding principles:
Using a curriculum that teaches the full story of the Bible with all stories pointing to Jesus.
Discipling children through small groups to help strengthen their faith in Christ alone.
We encourage our small group leaders to be intentional in developing Christ-centered, God-fearing relationships with our children. Children cannot physically see God, but they can see people who follow God and who desire for them to love Him, too.
Challenging children through memorizing Scripture so that God’s word is hidden in their hearts.
If you’re new to All Souls, please register your child (through 5th grade only) at the information table in the lobby before the service. A volunteer at the table will register your child, answer any questions you might have, and print a name tag for your child (which will include any allergies and your contact information for the volunteer teacher).